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How to cancel your American Home Shield Account Subscription

To cancel your American Home Shield (AHS) account subscription, you can follow these steps:

  1. Review Your Contract: Carefully review your service contract with American Home Shield. Pay close attention to the terms and conditions, including the cancellation policy, notice period, and any applicable fees.
  2. Gather Account Information: Collect the necessary information related to your AHS account. This may include your contract number, account number, and contact details.
  3. Contact Customer Service:
  1. Speak to a Representative: When you contact AHS, explain that you want to cancel your subscription. Be prepared to provide your contract or account information to verify your identity.
  2. Request Confirmation: Ask the customer service representative for confirmation of the cancellation in writing or via email. This will serve as proof of your cancellation request.
  3. Check for Prorated Refunds: In some cases, AHS may offer prorated refunds if you cancel your subscription before the contract term expires. Ask about any refunds or outstanding payments during the cancellation process.
  4. Return Equipment (if applicable): If you have any AHS-provided equipment, such as security systems or appliances, inquire about the return process. Follow their instructions for returning any leased or rented items.
  5. Monitor Your Billing: After canceling, monitor your bank or credit card statements to ensure that no further charges are made by American Home Shield. If you see any unauthorized charges, contact them immediately to rectify the issue.
  6. Keep Documentation: Keep all records related to your cancellation, including confirmation emails, reference numbers, and any written correspondence. This will be valuable if you encounter any issues in the future.

It’s crucial to adhere to the terms and conditions specified in your contract to ensure a smooth cancellation process. If you’re unsure about any aspects of canceling your AHS subscription, don’t hesitate to reach out to their customer service for guidance and clarification.

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