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Approximations - intellectsolver

Approximations - intellectsolver

Approximations are estimate in Amount, Numbers, Distances etc. that are almost correct, but not exact. It is a unique method of counting to nearest wholes, which might be Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Weights, Distances, Time and so many other values.

Example 1:

Correct 4726.6282 to the nearest
(a) thousand, (b) hundred, (c) ten (d) whole number, (e) tenth, (f) hundredth, (g) thousandth

(a) 4726.6282 = 5000 to the nearest thousand.

(b) 4726.6282 = 4700 to the nearest hundred.

(c) 4726.6282 = 4730 to the nearest ten.

(d) 4726.6282 = 4727 to the nearest whole number.

(e) 4726.6282 = 4726.6 to the nearest tenth.

(f) 4726.6282 = 4726.63 to the nearest hundredth.

(g) 4726.6282 = 4726.628 to the nearest thousandth.

Example 2:

Correct to nearest hour.
3 hours 10 minutes
= 3 10/60 hours
= 3. 2 hours
= 3 hours ( to the nearest whole number)


Q1: Take following to the nearest whole number:

(a) 6.32km
= 6km ( to the nearest whole number)

(b) 486.4m
= 486m ( to the nearest whole number)

(c) 84.63
= 85 ( to the nearest whole number)

(d) 205.94 Litres
= 206 litres ( to the nearest whole number)

(e) 0.65m
= 1m ( to the nearest whole number)

(f) 0.009368
= 0 ( to the nearest whole number)

(g) #18.63
= #19.00 ( to the nearest whole number)

(h) 154.81cm
= 155cm ( to the nearest whole number)

(I) 827.305
= 827 ( to the nearest whole number)

(j) 146.86
= 147 ( to the nearest whole number)

Q2: Round off the following to the nearest hundred:

(a) 243.36
= 200 (to the nearest hundred)

(b) 643.79
= 600 (to the nearest hundred)

(c) 3428km
= 3400km (to the nearest hundred)

(d) 236.95m
= 200m (to the nearest hundred)

(e) 864.631
= 900 (to the nearest hundred)

Q3: Express the following in the nearest thousand:

(a) 4369km
= 4000km (to the nearest thousand)

(b) 1621m
= 2000m (to the nearest thousand)

(c) #32846
= #33000 (to the nearest thousand)

(d) 351869
= 352,000 (to the nearest thousand)

(e) 428,374
= 428,000 (to the nearest thousand)

(f) 92,681
= 93,000 (to the nearest thousand)

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